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About Us

The Boutique Search of Business Leaders

We Are ...

AManagement Consultancy Organization with a focus on Human Resources.Since our inception, we have been helping our client organizations attain the PRIME MOVERS of their Business - the Leaders, the Managers and the Individual Contributors. We try to help our clients achieve their Business Strategies and Goals by enabling them to find the right persons for the job and help them create the right Organizational Climate in which employees can deliver their best. We also provide Recruitment Training & Coaching services to facilitate professional and personal development with a focus on career transition, performance management, organizational effectiveness and enhancing strategic thinking.

Executive coaching

We Value


  • Our clients - Your needs are our priority
  • Quality – We do not compromise on this. We have a reputation for excellence
  • Fostering Collaborations – We work closely with our clients to achieve greater results
  • Integrity - We take pride in demonstrating ethical behaviour in our work

We save your Time and Money


  • Applying consulting approach - Systematic / Innovative / Collaborative
  • We Ensure - Consistent delivery / Satisfaction / Relevant Candidates
  • We Adhere To - Ethical Standards / Complete Confidentiality / Turn Around Time
  • Provide Recruitment Training & Coaching - Career Transition / Strategic Thinking / Performance Management

Meet our Core Team

Ivan Chhetri

Managing Consultant

Advocate of our 5-Point plan: Initial Impact and soft skills, Mental Abilities, Knowledge and Experience, Motivation & Adjustment. Ivan leads a large team of Specialized Recruiters, who are Networked, Dispersed location wise, but highly effective. He has pioneered the Management Strategy to create a Virtual Organization in India.
Ivan is an Alumni of St. Xavier’s College and Don Bosco Calcutta. Ivan climbed up the Executive Ladder starting his career as a ‘Trainee’ with a Multinational Tea Plantation Company at their Tea Gardens in North Bengal. He worked extensively in the areas of redesigning Operational Systems, restructuring Production Planning and Inventory Control procedures (he did a lot of Line Balancing). Operating in a ‘continuous process industry’ he targeted and improved Operational Profitability with High Quality final product.
His entrepreneurial flair is expressed by laying the Foundation of RESOURCE INFINITE
Ivan can be reached at +91 9999248527 or ivan@resourceinfinite.com

Arun D. Sinha

India's leading executive coach

A Management Coach / Consultant who helps integration of Management Strategies and Leadership resources. As a Singapore Certified Executive Coach with Management Development and Training experience, he helps Executives realize their Leadership potential.

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