In any corporate enterprise, a functioning team consists of employees with varying degrees of capabilities and productivity. Team leaders are responsible for providing the right opportunities to employees for advancement and escalation of skills and knowledges. Thus, the entity of any team or group is never static but always progressive and dynamic. A team of workers will always look forward to new space and scope for development and better experience. Below stated are strategic points that will help team leaders and managers to provoke constant up-gradation of their teams-

  • Familiarity with employees

A cold, distant and impersonal manager is probably the biggest turn-off for any employee. Employees want to feel connected and amicably associated with their leaders. Managers must be keen observers of their employees so as to be able to judge wisely how he can put to use the talents of each of his employees for optimum benefit. They must figure out a process whereby his employees can work together harmoniously. Managers must be aware of areas where the employees are deficit and how he can utilise his human resources so that they can really flourish in their activities. It is important for managers to pay heed to how respective employees judge themselves, specifically regarding their strengths and weaknesses and even personal ambitions.

  • Cut-out tasks

It is worthwhile to remember that employees have their own strengths and weaknesses. While it would definitely be prudent to harp upon the areas where an employee is especially proficient, it is important to actually strike a balance between the two. If an employee is challenged to perform in areas where he lacks, his skills will be sharpened gradually till he achieves quite wholesome development.

  • Being generous

Any team can only prosper when its manager is genuinely interested in the well being of his employees and appreciative of their efforts. Employees are not meant to be equalled with machines. Honesty and generosity in managers encourages dedication and motivation among employees.

  • Learning is never ending

Managers must encourage their employees to learn and attain new skills and techniques in addition to ones they have. They should have discussions with their teams and seek their opinions about these matters. Organising conferences, workshops or sponsoring courses can help in the development of the quality of the productivity of teams.

  • Role of incentives

Offering incentives, bonuses or hike in salary are great ways of supporting and persuading employees in a team to strive to improve themselves. Managers must emphasise the fact that educational progression can also positively affect an employee in the path of his career.

  • Setting an example

Teams derive inspiration from team leaders. Managers must themselves be exemplary figures of advancement and continuous learning to instigate the same pattern of growth in their employees.

  • Finding the right successor

Experienced team leaders identify dedicated talents with the potential to be future leaders so that they may fill the gap when anybody leaves. It is necessary to prepare such employees so that they would be ready to carry the baton forward when required.


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